Sunday, May 23, 2010

Globish as the New Pidgin Language

A new book by Robert McCrum seeks to explain how English has grown and developed outside of English-speaking countries. Jean-Paul Nerrière, a former IBM executive, noticed that clients and colleagues in East Asia communicated better with each other when they were speaking in English than with native English speakers. For example, a Korean businessman and Japanese businesswoman would understand each other's English better than the English of an American colleague. Nerrière dubbed this phenomenon Globish because the language was a stripped down, distinct version of English that was not necessarily easy for English speakers to master.

With a 1,500 vocabulary, Globish is a standardized, very basic form of English for use as a trade language. In many respects, Globish is similar to Pidgin languages that have arisen throughout history to facilitate trade between two language groups. Pidgin languages are not native to any group and often feature small vocabularies and extremely simple grammar. Pidgin languages are also, like Globish, standardized and not just haphazardly worked out by speakers as they communicate.

The use of Globish as a limited lingua franca also shows the extent to which the English language is used, in some form, by non-native speakers. According to the article, less than 5% of the world population speaks English as its native language, but up to 25% speaks English. This estimation probably does not include people who are somewhat familiar with English and speak a pidgin-like version of it.

Globish and the wider use of English by non-native speakers shows that as the use of imperial languages like English grows, often for economic reasons, the assumption that language and culture are inextricably linked is becoming outdated. While people do gain access to a culture by learning the language of that culture, it is not guaranteed that speakers of basic English will in any way associate with the culture of countries like the United States or Britain.


English: The Language of Colonization

Ndaba Nkomo, a regular opinion contributor to the Botswana newspaper Mmegi, recently wrote an editorial discussing the status of native languages versus European languages. In general, his editorials reflect a populist point of view and utilize a pseudo historical, pseudo factual style typical of political pundits like Glenn Beck. For example, in another editorial he decries the loss of moral standards in Botswana and states that women have the ultimate ability to maintain moral standards because men are unable to contain their sexual urges. Despite his obvious lack factual rigor and reliance on widely criticized cultural assumptions, Nkomo's arguments for what language represents can be seen as representative of widely held beliefs.

Nkomo, like many others, views language as a key to a people's culture and history. As we have discussed in class, this is a very popular point of view and one that is not without merit. People often feel that their native language allows them to understand how their ancestors thought.

However, he also uses fatalist arguments about the inability of Botswanans to learn proper English. He claims: "I have heard parents speaking to their children at home in English, a language they can never get right no matter how hard they try. Unless you are born in Britain or in an English-speaking country, you can never claim knowledge of English in its truest sense." He later points out that American news outlets often use subtitles when people from Botswana are interviewed even though they are speaking English because their accents are too difficult for Americans to understand. All of this means, he says, that Botswanans are learning a form of English that is not even respected by speakers in "English-speaking countries".

Nkomo's argument completely ignores the concept of local dialects and the organic development of language. Though people may be speaking what they consider to be the same language, dialects and vocabularies can develop to accommodate local ways of life. His assumption that the only proper forms of English comes from English-speaking countries is arbitrary and perpetuates the cultural imperialism he seems to advocate ending. With respect to news organizations like CNN placing subtitles under people from Botswana speaking English, he does not consider a much easier and more neutral explanation. Americans are not accustomed to the accent of people from Botswana. If they were similarly unfamiliar with British or Australian accents, they would probably need subtitles for speakers from those places as well. Furthermore, the need for subtitles shows that the form of English is sufficiently distinct in Botswana that it cannot be easily understood elsewhere. This only further proves that people from Botswana are not just blindly speaking an alien language, they seem to have at least somewhat adapted it.

In all, Nkomo claims that if people in Botswana lose their native language skills and only speak English, they will lose their culture as well. While this may be true to some extent, Nkomo ignores the experiences of other former colonies. Often, they have preserved aspects of their cultures and remain significantly distinct from the place their language comes from. Also, as previously stated, language can be adapted to change to reflect the needs of its speakers. This is not to say that there is no cultural value to preserving a native language. Throughout this course, we have discovered that the language we speak significantly affects how we think. If we are not thinking in the same way our ancestors did, then part of our culture will probably be lost. However, many of the simplifications and generalizations Nkomo makes reflect widely held assumptions about the link between language and culture. Though it is true that there is a significant link between language and culture, the post colonial world should be proof enough that the use of imperial languages does not necessitate adoption of that language's accompanying culture.


Saturday, May 15, 2010

Na'vi: The Language of Avatar

Na'vi, the language used by the fictional beings on Pandora, is gaining popularity amongst diehard Avatar fans. Websites like have vocabulary and grammar lessons, along with forums for members of the growing Na'vi community to interact and practice. The website even alludes to conventions where people can learn Na'vi and refine their skills.

Paul Frommer, a linguist at USC, was enlisted by James Cameron to create the Na'vi language. Frommer decided he would first decide what sounds to include what sounds to exclude. The second criteria is just as important as the first, he says, because a language with too many kinds of sounds would sound unrealistic. The language he developed has characteristics that many people describe as similar to Polynesian languages, however it is not really based in any single group of languages. Frommer attempted to make Na'vi unique and not necessarily to any certain languages. He included sounds and sound patterns that were similar to south-east Asian languages, among others. However he also used some grammatical structures that have never been used in a language before, for example infixed verb conjugation.

By the movie's release, Frommer had created 1,000 words for Na'vi to be used in the movie and its video game, but he was still the only person who understood the structure of the language. After the movie's release, it became clear that Na'vi would gain a cult following similar to the people who learn the Klingon language of the Star Trek franchise. Frommer has stated that he is working on a more comprehensive dictionary for Na'vi to be published at some point in the future. For now, the Na'vi community must remain content with the 1,000 or so words that are currently available, along with the limited information Frommer has given about the language.


English as the Official Language in the US

A small town in upstate New York has declared English to be the official language of all government business and all interactions between government entities and the regular population. Jackson, population 1,700, has no city center and only two restaurants. However, its citizens have felt threatened by what they see as the increasing tendency for American society adapt to its immigrants. One member of the city council that voted for the English only measure stated that he believed today's immigrants were less likely than immigrants in the past to assimilate. Jackson's official government business has been conducted in English since 1816 and there seems to be no immediate threat of any other language taking over. The only non-native English speaking group is a small group of Hispanic agricultural laborers.

The law is largely supported in the community, however, its critics have several complaints. The New York Civil Liberties Union finds the law problematic because it discriminates against people who do not speak English. There would be no lawful way for non-English speakers to interact with the local government given the mandate that all communication must take place in English. A more immediate and possibly more damaging threat is the lack of provision for emergency situations and court testimonies. Neither emergency services people like firefighters and police nor court employees can make any lawful effort to communicate with non-English speakers. This means that somebody who did not speak English and who was accused on committing a local crime would have no ability to defend themselves. Also, a non-English speaker would not be able to communicate with their paramedics or 911 operators.
When asked these sorts of questions, the members of the town council seemed unconcerned and in emergency situations, seemed to believe that whatever needed to happen would happen.
On a national level, The American Civil Liberties Union has declared itself to be against any effort to make English the official language of the United States. Beyond the reasons outlined in the Jackson situation, they state that 45 million people (17.5% of the population) in the United States speak a non-English language in their homes, and that many of these people are American citizens. They believe that any effort to make English the official language of the government would constitute discrimination against American citizens.

ProEnglish, a group that supports making English the official language, makes some counters the simplicity of some of these claims. They state that any action to make English the official language would only mean that government work of record could only take place in English. Furthermore, they state that in issues of public health, safety, tourism, and due process (court and police translators), provisions would be made for non-English speakers. The most compelling reason they give for making English the official language of the country is largely education however. They claim that non-English speakers disproportionately earn less money and are part of lower socioeconomic groups. They also claim that efforts to educate children bilingually perpetuate this problem and that children should be taught English as quickly as possible in order to have better lives. While this may be true, the ACLU points out that many of the representatives who support an effort to make English the official language do not support ESL education.


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Choosing an Alphabet

It is easy to give little thought to the alphabet or writing system of a language. European languages are written with Roman characters; Russian, Greek, and some Eastern European languages use the Cyrillic Alphabet; and Mandarin Chinese is written using traditional and/or modern characters (the two writing systems are related). When discussing how languages affect the way people think, it is easy to overlook how differently their writing systems might additionally influence how people think. Vowels, consonants, syllables, and words are treated and focused on differently depending on which writing system is used, and even which language within the writing system is used.

The question of how to visually represent spoken language was settled generations ago. However, consideration of the advantages of different alphabets becomes extremely important when it comes to creating a writing system for unwritten languages. When we read about Native Americans attempting to preserve their languages, we take the writing systems they use for granted. Logically, it would either be a traditional, unique script or the Roman script used for English. Roman script is used all over the world and can cause people in Western Europe and the Americas to assume that Roman script is the standard with some notable exceptions. Therefore, whenever a writing system is being created for an unwritten language, it may seem only natural that the Roman alphabet would be used.

This need not be the case. In fact, what proof is there that the Roman alphabet is best suited to represent these languages? Would not a more comprehensive choice of writing systems allow language communities to more precisely and efficiently write their languages than if they arbitrarily chose the Roman alphabet? A Korean group is raising such questions with its promotion of Hangul as a writing system for unwritten languages. Lee Ki-nam, a wealthy South Korean, is pushing to make Hangul the writing system of choice for currently unwritten languages. Her group, the Hunminjeongeum Society, achieved its first success last year with the introduction of Hangul textbooks for the Cia-Cia minority group in Indonesia. Ms. Lee hopes to continue helping groups like the Cia-Cia write their languages down with the aid of the Hangul script.

The prospect of Hangul's spread raises questions about how to go about choosing a writing system. Often, the choice is heavily influenced by politics and the desire to make a political statement. It may not be a coincidence that Bahasa Indonesia, the main Indonesian langauge, uses the Roman script. This fact might have influenced the Cia-Cia to choose a script that would be harder to learn and understand for Bahasa speakers. Putting politics aside though, how could a language group determine what writing system would be best for them? Would they choose it based on similarity to their own collection of sounds and speaking patterns? Would it be based on ease of learning, by perhaps choosing to have the fewest number of characters possible? How is the choice influenced by other language groups using the same writing system? Would a group choose a writing system based on the ability to use already established computers, printing presses, etc?


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Arizona's Language Requirements for Teachers

The Arizona Department of Education has decides to evaluate all teachers teaching ESL (English Second Language) classes to determine if their English is accented and grammatically correct. If these teachers are deemed to use incorrect grammar or speak with heavy accents, then they will not be allowed to continue teaching ESL classes. This measure, predictably, has been linked to broader anti-immigrant sentiment in Arizona, particularly to the recent law mandating local police to enforce federal immigration laws. However, a recent article in the Wall Street Journal goes into more depth. The Arizona Department of Education is simply choosing to reevaluate teachers on rules that are loosely mandated by the federal No Child Left Behind Act. NCLB requires students who are learning English to be taught by "fluent" English speakers, but it leaves enforcement and specific requirements to state boards of education. What has really happened is not an instatement of a law, but a reinterpretation of established laws and a drive to interpret them.

The WSJ article highlights the difficulties of these requirements on some school districts in Arizona. In the 1990s, teachers were actively recruited from South American countries in order to provide high-quality Spanish-language instruction. In 2000, Arizonans voted to have all classes in public schools be in English. These teachers were then required to switch their languages of instruction. Many school administrators are now faced with having to fire or reassign some of their most experienced teachers because of their accents. Also, as the article points out, determining fluency invited arbitrary decisions. However, it would also seem that the Arizona Board of Education has the interest of its English language learners at heart. It seems logical that students would learn English best from a native speaker.

However, a study recently conducted in Israel calls this seemingly logical assumption into question. It found that across subjects matters (not only in language learning), students actually processed information faster when the person who they were learning it from someone who shared their accent. Though the study does not seem large enough to conclusively determine this, - it had fewer than 100 participants - it does suggest that our presumptions of who makes the best teacher for an English language learner may be wrong. Assuming that teacher and student both had similar accents and that the teacher was using correct grammar, her/his accent might actually be a aid rather than a hindrance to students learning a language. It would be interesting to see further research in this area to see if the findings of the Israeli study are confirmed. Also, though students may immediately find it easier to understand someone with their same accent, the study does not study long term impacts of having learned a language from someone with a similar accent versus somebody with a native-speaker's accent. Perhaps in the short term it is easier to learn from somebody with a similar accent, but this similarity may also impair one's eventual ability to understand native speakers.


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Relationship Between Language and Culture

A common theme throughout discussions of globalization and language is the link between language and culture. Language, it is often assumed or implied, is inextricably linked to the culture of the place it comes from. When Native Americans or members of the Academie Francaise lament what they see as the encroachment of English, they are simultaneously lamenting the encroachment of a foreign culture on theirs. Not only is the language seen as part of its originating culture, it is often seen as the key to understanding a culture. Conversely, we often see learning a language as a way to bridge cultural difference and increase understanding between people of different cultures.

Min Byoung-chul, a South Korean professor has been studying the link between cultural differences and language differences between Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and English speakers. He has found that language alone does not allow people to comprehensively understand each other. In fact, though language can go a long way toward helping people understand each other, cultural norms that differ between cultures can often cause misunderstandings to continue. Standards of eye contact, facial expressions, manners at the table, and aggressiveness can vary drastically between countries. Min has extensively studied and documented situations where immigrants or vacationers, though they spoke the local language, were still misunderstood because of their adherence to their own cultural expectations. He cites an example of a Korean dishwasher who smiled when he broke dishes. His boss fired him because he thought he did not take his job seriously, not understanding that in Korea, smiling is a sign of embarrassment.

A series of commentators on the freakonomics blog of The New York Times explains the economic and political reasons for the increased spread of certain languages, particularly English. However, the blog interestingly points out that with the increasing use of languages like English, language are simultaneously becoming increasingly decoupled from the cultures in which they originated. It seems that language can only go so far to assimilate one culture into another. It also seems that the traditional view that language and culture go hand in hand is now somewhat outdated. It is true that there is often a link between people learning a language and consequently, reading the literature and being exposed to the media and culture of the language's native speakers. However, with lingua franca languages like English being used between two people who, natively, might not speak English, we can not immediately assume that speaking a language immediately aligns people with the culture and ideology of its originating countries.
